Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Who is Jesus? Why is so much passion evoked at the name of Jesus? One either hates Him or adores Him. There really is no gray area. Every name in history is tolerated except this name.

Hello. My name is Diana. I am a believer and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. He means everything to me. He is everything to me. I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that He is the Lord, and He died for my sins, and He was resurrected on the third day and is alive and seated on the right hand of God the Father, interceding on our behalf. This is my first ever blog about anything. Peace be with you.

Jesus is the Christ. Why, then, do so many deny Him? Is it because to acknowledge Him, one has to renounce his own lifestyle and follow Him? Do they secretly know that He is Lord of all? Is it easier to deny Him than to confess one's self as a sinner?

Look, I am not the hand-holding, hallelujah-singing brand of Christian. I know how hard it is to follow Christ. In fact, the hardest thing I ever had to do was to trust God. I came of age in the 80's, when the philosophy-du-jour was "Take care of Number One," meaning put yourself first. I raised children in the 90's, when every talk show host was preaching "Be your child's best friend!" However, I came to the Lord in 2002, and life has never been the same.

Before I gave my life to the Lord, I was -- content. I grew up Apostolic Catholic, which means I was the Christian of Christians. I got pregnant first and then I got married. The poor guy didn't even want to get married, let alone have kids. I divorced my husband, I made good money, lived with my parents rent-free, took my kids everywhere, bought them everything and had uncommitted sex whenever I wanted. Life was seemingly good.

Details will come later, as I don't want the reader to get bored with a long blog. But I want you all to know that I grew up loving God. I always knew He existed and I always prayed to Him. One day, in July of 2001, God spoke back. He gently asked me why I never pray to His Son. Well, imagine my surprise.

I had never read the Bible for myself. That was the priest's job. He told us what he wanted us to know. Of course, his sermon was comprised of upcoming events, fundraisers, picnics, choir practice dates and maybe, MAYBE, a verse out of the Aramaic text, which no one in the congregation understood. No one came to church with their own Bible in hand. And absolutely no one ever spoke about having a relationship with Jesus. But God did.

This introduction occurred in my car on my way to work. Imagine how awkward it felt. It was like meeting someone new for the first time, only knowing that this Someone was extremely special, precious, beautiful, royal, and powerful. Wow. WOW! God the Father introduced me Himself to His only begotten Son. What a priviledge! I was so nervous! And TIMID! I was embarrassed, because I was instantly convicted of the fact that Jesus had always been available to me and that I should have acknowledged Him sooner. But, better late than never. He is the Word of God (John 1:1-3), and the Word tells us this: John 6:44: No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

Jesus is the Son of God, who paid for our sins with His own life, and was resurrected on the third day. Why are people afraid of salvation? Salvation is free. It is a gift from God. But there is a protocol. Sadly, we like to set our own rules, and rule our own lives. I have never been happier since I surrendered my life to the Lord. I no longer have the burden.

God bless you all.